App Privacy Policy

Guadalupe Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (“GVTC”)
Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”)

How GVTC Accesses, Collects, and Uses Certain User Information

GVTC accesses, collects, and uses information provided directly by the user, which includes the person who initially creates an account and anyone who uses the account thereafter (the “User”) when the User installs the GVTC app (the “App”) and registers for an account to use the App. Specifically, this information (“User Data”) includes:

  • User’s name, email address, location, phone or contact book data, inventory of installed apps, and screen recording;
  • Browser information and session cookies related to User’s access and use of the App; and
  • Data insights GVTC attains based on correlation and analytics of User’s information collected in providing the App, which may be used in aggregated and dis-aggregated formats or to obtain trend analytics, to provide the App.

How GVTC Uses User Data

GVTC uses such User Data for the following purposes:

  • Provide User with the App as described in the Agreement;
  • Implement, improve, and/or enhance the App, including to make future releases available to the User;
  • Carry out GVTC obligations as described or authorized in the Agreement and this Privacy Policy;
  • Enforce GVTC rights arising from the Agreement between the User and GVTC;
  • Fulfill any other purpose authorized by the User and reasonably required for provision of the App and App-related services; and
  • Enhancement of current or future App features by using User Data in aggregated and dis-aggregated formats.

Sharing User Data

GVTC shares User Data with Calix, a software, hardware, and services company which assists Internet and communications providers like GVTC with hardware and software services. GVTC shares User Data with this company by giving the company access to User Data to optimize the services GVTC provides through the App.

GVTC does not share any User Data outside GVTC, its affiliates, directors, officers, agents, or employees, under any circumstances.

Accessing and changing your personal information

To request information which was previously voluntarily provided be removed from out database, send a request the Contact Us page. We will attempt to delete such information, where feasible, after we receive a request from you. We will respond to a request for access within 30 days.

GVTC WiFi app

For additional information on how your data is collected and used by the Calix CommandIQ® app, and branded as GVTC WiFi click here.